The Trimmer Plus

The Trimmer Plus

17.290 kr
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
399 Reviews

(Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn)

*Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
399 Reviews

Rakvél með innbyggðum kambi og ljósi sem auðveldur raksturinn.

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Litur: Onyx
  • Vörulýsing

    Level up your grooming experience with the new & improved Trimmer Plus.

    Designed for an effortless and precise trim, this feature product offers a fixed guard with 4 adjustable settings and a gentle glide that can remove even the coarsest hair.Whether you prefer a bare, buzzed, or full bush look - you'll love the quiet, but high powered performance this body and pubic hair trimmer delivers.

    The Trimmer Plus is a perfect trimmer for butts, nuts, pits, 'staches and just about anywhere you want to groom.

    Consider this the elevated trimmer for the grooming pro. The new & improved Trimmer Plus now features a sleek, modern, compact design, travel lock, and a low-profile adjustable guard with four different lengths.

  • Kostir

    • Vatnsheld rakvél fyrir þurra og blauta húð
    • Fjórar raksturs lengdir með stillanlegum kambi (1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm)
    • LED lýsing fyrir minni og nákvæmari rakstur
    • 90 mínútna endingatími
    • Öruggur rakstur, bæði í andliti sem og á þínu einkasvæði.
    • Getur rakað gróf og krullótt hár án þess að toga í og/eða valda óþægindum


      Enjoy smooth, safe trimming from your facial features to your private parts.


      Groom wet or dry with this waterproof body hair trimmer.


      Get 90 minutes of trimming time before you recharge.


      Customize your routine with 5 adjustable settings (0mm, 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm)

  • Hvað er í kassanum

    • The Trimmer Plus with replaceable ceramic blade

    • 1 anti-nick adjustable guard

    • Cleaning brush

    • USB-C charger + charging dock

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