The Skins
Lífgaðu upp á rakvélina þína með nýrri vöru frá Meridian - The Skins hulstur.
Virkar eingöngu á The Trimmer.

The Spray
Líkamssprey með sítrus ilm fyrir ferskt útlit og hreinlæti.

Replacement Blade
Rakvélablað fyrir The Trimmer og Trimmer Plus.

Meridian Foot Spray
Hjálpaðu að koma í veg fyrir táfýlu með fótaspreyinu okkar.

Travel Case
Vatnshelt hulstur til að geyma Meridian rakvélar og fylgihluti.

We’ve packaged up your ‘deserted island’ essentials into a must-have discounted personal grooming kit. The Complete Package consists of our ultimate power duo for body hair removal: Trimmer + The Spray. Thoughtfully curated for your self-care routine.

A superior grooming routine isn’t complete without the right accessories.
From assisting with personal hygiene and grooming to helping you travel smart on vacation, our accessory products will give you that extra boost you’re looking for in your self-care routine. Shop products perfect for sensitive area hair removal, close shave trimming, and personal grooming.